Aleksey A. Kiselev
(15.01.1937 - 17.10.1990)
Aleksey A. Kiselev was born in 1937 in Moscow. As his father was in the military service the family has traveled much all over the country. He entered the physical faculty of the Leningrad State University in 1954 and graduated from it in 1959.
The range of scientific interest of A.A. Kiselev was always very wide. Being one of the students of Professor M.I. Petrashen, he began his activity in the sphere of solid state theory. His first theoretical investigations of non-elementary impurity centers in alkali-haloid crystals have made a valuable contribution to SCF-method for the open shells. Afterwards these results have formed the basis of his Ph.D. thesis (1964).
Very interesting and highly promising results were obtained by A.A. Kiselev in the theory of molecular spectra. The combination of Born-Oppenheimer method with diagram techniques in perturbation theory permitted to carry out an effective theoretical study of molecular spectra of high and ultrahigh resolution. For the series of these studies A.A. Kiselev has got the degree of Doctor of Science (1976).
To be in the fore-front of the modern science was the main characteristic feature of Professor A.A. Kiselev. Following the rapid development of laser spectroscopy in the 1980-ies, he accomplished an extensive study of the influence of strong electromagnetic radiation on the electron-nuclear dynamics in atoms, molecules and crystals. Afterwards he began theoretical investigation of processes occurring in high-temperature superconductors. Although the main scientific activity of A.A. Kiselev concerned fundamental problems of theoretical physics, he has maintained very close and highly productive contacts with different experimental teams. Professor A.A. Kiselev always paid much attention to pedagogical work with students and post-graduates. He was an attentive, considerate and responsible teacher, loved and respected by his pupils among whom there are seven Doctors of Philosophy and two Doctors of Science. He has written two text-books for one of which he was awarded Leningrad State University first prize. Simultaneously with his activity in the University A.A. Kiselev has been heading for ten years the Division of Theoretical Physics in the Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics.
The early and sudden death of Aleksey A. Kiselev broke off his productive and fruitful studies at the very peak of his activities. He will be remembered for his high human qualities - honesty, good will, unselfishness, cheerfulness - as well as for his remarkable contribution to science.