Speaker: A.A. Astakhov
Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, JINR, Dubna
Talk: "Electron delocalization tensor and its application to the analysis of chemical bonding in molecular systems (Ph.D. thesis)"
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Meeting ID: 841 4205 3778
Passcode: 563515
Speaker: N. Oreshkina
For reasons of inability to participate in person, you can join by Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 841 4205 3778
Passcode: 563515
Speaker: V.P. Neznamov
Talk: "The problem of determination of fermion vacuum structure in quantum electrodynamics. The potential experiments with collisions of heavy ions."
For reasons of inability to participate in person, you can join by Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 841 4205 3778
Passcode: 563515