Oleg Yu. Andreev
Leading researcher, NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - PNPI, Quantum Chemistry Laboratory.
Research interests:
- Investigation of properties of the highly charged ions (HCI): calculation of the energies and the transition probabilities within the framework of QED.
- Collision of highly charged ions with electrons and photons.
- Calculations of the electronic structure of solids. Pseudopotential.
- Investigation of the line profile for the few-electron atoms and ions.
- Time-space variation of the fundamental constants.
Members of the scientific group:
K.N. Lyashchenko,
D.M. Vasileva,
V.A. Knyazeva,
D.V. Yezhovkin
Recent publications
Talks at conferences
Curriculum Vitae
Contact information:
- Telephone:
- +7 921 3081984 (cell.)
- Address:
- Dr. O. Yu. Andreev, Teor. otdel, V.A. Fock Institute of Physics, St. Petersburg State University, ul. Ulyanovskaya 1, Petergof, St. Petersburg, 198504, RUSSIA
E-mail: olyuan#gmail.com, o.y.andreev#spbu.ru
skype: olyuan (Oleg Yu. Andreev)
Office: Institute of Physics, building "I-3", the 4th floor, office 432