Alexander O. Sorokin
Curriculum Vitae
Education and degrees:
- 2001 - entered the Physics Department of St. Petersburg State University;
- 2005 - graduated with honors from the Bachelor of Science Faculty of Physics, St. Petersburg State University;
- 2008 - graduated with honors from the Faculty of Physics, St. Petersburg State University;
- 2008 - entered the graduate school of PNPI RAS;
- 2012 - defended his Ph.D. thesis (Ph.D., theoretical physics) in SPbSU "Critical behavior of frustrated spiral magnets in two and three dimensions".
Place of work and position:
- 2008 - present: employee of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the St. Petersburg Institute nuclear physics;
- 2013 - 2015: Research Assistant (Postdoc) at the Physics Faculty of St. Petersburg State University;
- 2021 - present: Associate Professor of the Department of Quantum Mechanics, Faculty of Physics, St. Petersburg State University.