Leonid V. Skripnikov
Curriculum Vitae
- 2009 graduated with honours from chemical department of St.Petersburg state university
- 2012 received his Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute
- Laureate of the Russian President's Prize for Young Scientists in Science and Innovation for 2021
- Prize of the Academic Council of St. Petersburg State University for the contribution to science of young researchers, 2020
- Governor's Prize of the Leningrad Region, 2020
- I.V. Kurchatov award, 2020
- Included in the IUPAC Young Chemists Periodic Table, 2019
- First Prize of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Physics, St. Petersburg State University for scientific works for young scientists, St. Petersburg State University, 2017
- Russian Science Foundation, 2022-2024
- Russian Science Foundation, 2020-2022
- RFBR, 2020-2021
- BASIS Foundation, 2024-2025
- BASIS Foundation, 2021-2023
- BASIS Foundation, 2019-2021
- RFBR grant, 2016-2018
- grant of the President, 2018-2019
- grant of the President, 2016-2017
- grant of the President, 2014-2015