Division seminar
6 June 2018 г.
Seminar starts at 11.00
Defences of the bachelor's and master's degrees
Seminar starts at 11.00
Defences of the bachelor's and master's degrees
Seminar starts at 12.00
3d year student's coursework defences
Speaker: N.N. Rosanov
(Vavilov State Opt. Inst.,ITMO Univ.,Ioffe Phys. Tech. Inst.)
Talk: "Laser solitons: spectrum, internal structure, interactions, symmetry, mechanics and topology of the field"
Speaker: Angela Brauning-Demian
(GSI, Darmstadt)
Talk: "Spectroscopic measurements on heavy, highly charged ions using the resonant coherent excitation in crystals"
Speaker: I.V. Abarenkov
(SPbSU, phys. depart.)
Talk: "Density matrix for atom in ion-covalent crystal"
Speaker: I.A. Aleksandrov
(SPbSU, phys. depart.)
Talk: "Schwinger effect in space-time-dependent electromagnetic fields"
Speaker: A.M. Volchkova
(SPbSU, phys. depart.)
Talk: "Zeeman splitting in highly charged ions: levels of fine and hyperfine structure"
Speaker: I.V. Ivanova
(SPbSU, phys. depart.)
Talk: "Approximate scaling of the time-dependent Dirac equation for multiphoton ionization of hydrogen-like ions"
Speaker: D.V. Chubukov
(SPbSU, phys. depart.)
Talk: "P-odd electron-electron Interaction in Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules"
Speaker: S.I. Godunov
(ITEP,"Kurchatov Institute", Moscow)
Talk: "Atomic energy levels and critical nucleus charge in a superstrong magnetic field"
Speaker: D.E. Maison
(SPbSU, phys. depart.)
Talk: "Study of electronic structure of atoms for search of effects of spatial and time invariance violation"
Speaker: V.P. Kosheleva
(SPbSU, phys. depart.)
Talk: "Elastic scattering of twisted electrons by atomic target: Going beyond the Born approximation"
Speaker: V.A.Agababaev
(SPbSU, phys. depart.)
Talk: "Zeeman effect in boronlike ions."
Speaker: D.N. Makarov
(NArFU,Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov)
Talk: "Inelastic processes in the interaction of heavy ion fields and ultrashort electromagnetic field pulses with atomic systems. "