Speaker: N.N. Rosanov
(Vavilov State Opt. Inst.,ITMO Univ.,Ioffe Phys. Tech. Inst.)
Talk: "Laser solitons: spectrum, internal structure, interactions, symmetry, mechanics and topology of the field"
Speaker: Angela Brauning-Demian
(GSI, Darmstadt)
Talk: "Spectroscopic measurements on heavy, highly charged ions using the resonant coherent excitation in crystals"
Speaker: I.V. Abarenkov
(SPbSU, phys. depart.)
Talk: "Density matrix for atom in ion-covalent crystal"
Speaker: I.A. Aleksandrov
(SPbSU, phys. depart.)
Talk: "Schwinger effect in space-time-dependent electromagnetic fields"
Speaker: A.M. Volchkova
(SPbSU, phys. depart.)
Talk: "Zeeman splitting in highly charged ions: levels of fine and hyperfine structure"
Speaker: I.V. Ivanova
(SPbSU, phys. depart.)
Talk: "Approximate scaling of the time-dependent Dirac equation for multiphoton ionization of hydrogen-like ions"
Speaker: D.V. Chubukov
(SPbSU, phys. depart.)
Talk: "P-odd electron-electron Interaction in Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules"
Speaker: S.I. Godunov
(ITEP,"Kurchatov Institute", Moscow)
Talk: "Atomic energy levels and critical nucleus charge in a superstrong magnetic field"
Speaker: D.E. Maison
(SPbSU, phys. depart.)
Talk: "Study of electronic structure of atoms for search of effects of spatial and time invariance violation"
Speaker: V.P. Kosheleva
(SPbSU, phys. depart.)
Talk: "Elastic scattering of twisted electrons by atomic target: Going beyond the Born approximation"
Speaker: D.N. Makarov
(NArFU,Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov)
Talk: "Inelastic processes in the interaction of heavy ion fields and ultrashort electromagnetic field pulses with atomic systems. "