Valentin D. Ob'edkov
(23.04.1938 - 25.01.1990)
Valentin D. Ob'edkov was born in 1938 in Leningrad. His father was in the military services. After graduating from the school in 1955 he entered the Physics Department of the Leningrad State University. V. D. Ob'edkov was a talented and conscientious student, and during two years running his efforts were rewarded with the special State scholarship. In 1960 he got his higher education diploma from the University and continued his study as a graduate student. His scientific adviser was Professor G. F. Drukarev, the great authority in the theory of electron-atom collisions. V. D. Ob'edkov also specialized in this subject-matter and got his Ph. D. in 1964.
Afterwards he continued theoretical investigation of various problems concerning collisions of electrons with atoms and molecules. He collaborated with FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (Amsterdam, 1976) and participated in many conferences including International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC) in Tokyo in 1980.
Since 1968 V. D. Ob'edkov was combining his scientific activity with pedagogical work at the University. He taught theoretical mechanics as well as quantum mechanics, and in the year 1975 he went to Cuba where he gave lecture courses at the University of Santiago-de-Cuba. During all years of his work at the Quantum Mechanics Division V. D. Ob'edkov was its scientific executive secretary.
V. D. Ob'edkov died on 25 January 1990 in Leningrad.