Konstantin N. Lyashchenko
Selected publications

  • D. M. Vasileva, K. N. Lyashchenko, O. Yu. Andreev and D. Yu,
    "Inelastic resonant scattering of electrons on hydrogen-like ions",
    Phys. Scr. 99, 115410 (2024).

  • K. N. Lyashchenko, O. Yu. Andreev, and D. Yu,
    "Two-photon electron capture by H-like uranium",
    Phys. Rev. A 109, 032805 (2024).

  • V. A. Knyazeva, K. N. Lyashchenko, M. Zhang, D. Yu, and O. Yu. Andreev,
    "Investigation of two-photon 2s?1s decay in one-electron and one-muon ions",
    Phys. Rev. A 106, 012809 (2022).

  • D. M. Vasileva, K. N. Lyashchenko, A. B. Voitkiv, D. Yu, and O. Yu. Andreev,
    "Resonant elastic scattering of polarized electrons on H-like ions",
    Phys. Rev. A 104, 052808 (2021).

  • B. Yang, D. Yu, C. Shao, X. Cai, Z. Wu, L. Xie, K. N. Lyashchenko et al.,
    "State-selective nonradiative electron capture in collisions of 95–197?MeV/u Xe^{54+} with Kr and Xe",
    Phys. Rev. A 104, 032815 (2021).

  • K. N. Lyashchenko, O. Yu. Andreev, and D. Yu,
    "QED calculation of two-electron one-photon transition probabilities in He-like ions",
    Phys. Rev. A 104, 012818 (2021).

  • P.-M. Hillenbrand, K. N. Lyashchenko et al.,
    "Electron-loss-to-continuum cusp in collisions of U^{89+} with N2 and Xe",
    Phys. Rev. A 104, 012809 (2021).

  • K. N. Lyashchenko, V. A. Knyazeva, O. Yu. Andreev, and D. Yu,
    "Asymmetry in emission of photons with left- and right-hand circular polarizations in two-photon decay",
    Phys. Rev. A 104, L010801 (2021).

  • K.N. Lyashchenko, O.Yu. Andreev, and D.Yu,
    "Interference between dielectronic recombination with two-electron one-photon transitions and radiative recombination",
    Phys. Rev. A 101, 040501(R) (2020).

  • K. N. Lyashchenko, D. M. Vasileva, O. Yu. Andreev, and A. B. Voitkiv,
    "QED theory of elastic electron scattering on hydrogen-like ions involving formation and decay of autoionizing states",
    Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013087 (2020).

  • K.N. Lyashchenko and O.Yu. Andreev,
    "Triply excited states in dielectronic recombination with excited He-like uranium",
    Physical Review A 98, 012503 (2018).

  • K. N. Lyashchenko, O. Yu. Andreev and A. B. Voitkiv,
    "Electron loss from hydrogen-like highly charged ions in collisions with electrons, protons and light atoms",
    Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 51, 055204 (2018).

  • A. A. Bondarevskaya, D. V. Chubukov, E. A. Mistonova, K. N. Lyashchenko, O. Yu. Andreev, A. Surzhykov, L. N. Labzowsky, G. Plunien, D. Liesen, and F. Bosch,
    "Considerations towards the possibility of the observation of parity nonconservation in highly charged ions in storage rings",
    Physica Scripta 93, 025401 (2018).

  • K. N. Lyashchenko, O. Yu. Andreev and A. B. Voitkiv,
    "Effects of autoionization in electron loss from heliumlike highly charged ions in fast collisions with atomic particles",
    Physical Review A 96, 052702 (2017).

  • K. N. Lyashchenko and O. Yu. Andreev,
    "Calculation of differential cross section for dielectronic recombination with two-electron uranium",
    Physical Review A 94, 042513 (2016).

  • K.N. Lyashchenko and O.Yu. Andreev,
    "Importance of the Breit interaction for calculation of the differential cross section for dielectronic recombination with one-electron uranium",
    Physical Review A 91, 012511 (2015).

  • K.N. Lyashchenko and O.Yu. Andreev,
    "Calculation of differential cross section for dielectronic recombination with one-electron uranium",
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 583 012005 (2015).

  • A. Bondarevskaya, E.A. Mistonova, K.N. Lyashchenko, O.Yu. Andreev, A. Surzhykov, L. N. Labzowsky, G. Plunien, D. Liesen, F. Bosch, and Th. Stohlker,
    "Method for the production of highly charged ions with polarized nuclei and zero total electron angular momentum",
    Physical Review A 90, 064701 (2014).