Vladimir G. Kuznetsov
Curriculum Vitae
Kuznetsov Vladimir Georgievch, researcher of the department of theoretical physics of V.A.Fock NIIF SPbSU.
1970 - 1976 - student of physical faculty of St.-Petersburg University.
1976 - 2002 - researcher of theoretical department of S.I. Vavilov State Optical Institute.
Since 01.04.2002 - researcher of the department of theoretical physics of V.A.Fock NIIF SPbSU.
1995-1997 - grant № 95-03-09812a from RFBR (Russian Fund of Basic Research)
"Quasimolecular centers inglasses. Ab initio method ofcalculation."
2000-2002 - grant № 00-03-33040 from RFBR (Russian Fund of Basic Research)
"Quantum mechanical simulation of the electronicstructure and
dynamical properties of glasses, defect centers in glasses."