2010, the spring semester

Division seminar
9 and 15 June 2010

Attestation of students and defences of Bachalor's theses

  • A.V. Bozhevolnov
    Title: "Numerical investigation of quantum scattering problem by arbitrary 2D potential with the non-stationary approach"
  • I.A. Boyko
    Title: "Studies of parity nonconservation quantum electrodinamics correstions in Cs"
  • P.S. Dmitriev
    Title: "The X-Ray emission bands DFT plane waves calculations of alpha-quartz and interpretation of X-Ray spectra"
  • V.A. Zaytsev
    Title: "Cross sections of recombination and annihilation of an antiproton with a bare nucleus"
  • N.A. Zubova
    Title: "The numerical evaluation of a X-ray lines uranium isotopic shift for the tie of an intermediate type"
  • A.E. Israelian
    Title: "Excitation of two-electron Hooke's atom by linearly-polarized laser pulse"
  • P.N. Korelin
    Title: "The quantum electrodinamics correstion "Z-bozon loop""
  • I.A. Maltsev
    Title: "The studies of the one-electron non-stationary Dirac equation for a task of a nuclii collision"
  • K.V. Nikonov
    Title: "Calculation of dispersion corrections for the decay of particles with an arbitrary spin into two scalar (pseudoscalar) mesons"
  • M.M. Sokolov
    Title: "The mixing of the p-states by the hyperfine interaction"

Division seminar
28 May 2010

Attestation of PhD students and talks

Speaker: D.E. Gladyshev

(SPbSU, Department of Physics)
Talk: "Calculation of Fucui Functions in Gaussian"

Speaker: Yu.A. Demidov

(SPbSU, Department of Physics)
Talk: "Calculation of Fucui Functions in Molcas. Example of colculations: molecule HCl"

Speaker: V.S. Mariasin

(SPbSU, Department of Physics)
Talk: "Quasistationary states in solution of inverse Cauchy problem"

Division seminar
21 May 2010

Defences of yearly projects by 3-year students

Division seminar
14 May 2010

Speaker: O.I. Pavlova

(SPbSU, Department of Physics)
Talk: "Calculation of probabilities of cascade two-photon transitions from double-excited states in two-electron ion"

Speaker: E.A. Chernovskaya

(SPbSU, Department of Physics)
Talk: "Cross-section of two-electron capture by bare heavy nucleus with formation of two-electron highly charged ion and emission of photon"

Division seminar
7 May 2010

Speaker: A.V. Titov

Talk: "Investigation of heavy-atom molecules: search for an electron electric dipole moment"

Division seminar
30 April 2010

Speaker: Yu.Yu. Dmitriev

(SPbSU, Department of Physics)
Talk: "Post Hartree-Fock Self-Consistent Field Approximations and Multiconfiguration Perturbation Theory"

Division seminar
9 April 2010

Speaker: Viatcheslav Kokoouline

(University of Central Florida)
Talk: "Theory of dissociative recombination of molecular ions"

Division seminar
26 February 2010

Speaker: I.I. Tupitsyn

(SPbSU, Department of Physics)
Talk: "Relativistic Calculations of the Charge-Transfer Probabilities and Cross Sections for Low-Energy Heavy Ion Collisions (part 2)"

Division seminar
19 February 2010

Speaker: I.I. Tupitsyn

(SPbSU, Department of Physics)
Talk: "Relativistic Calculations of the Charge-Transfer Probabilities and Cross Sections for Low-Energy Heavy Ion Collisions"