Nicolai Y. Reshetikhin
Recent publications

  • Christian Blanchet, Nathan Geer, Bertrand Patureau-Mirand, Nicolai Reshetikhin,
    "Holonomy braidings, biquandles and quantum invariants of links with SL2(?) flat connections",

  • Olga Postnova, Nicolai Reshetikhin,
    "On multiplicities of irreducibles in large tensor product of representations of simple Lie algebras",

  • Nicolai Reshetikhin, Gus Schrader,
    "Superintegrability of Generalized Toda Models on Symmetric Spaces",
    arXiv:1802.00356 (accepted in IMRN).

  • Nicolai Reshetikhin,
    "Semiclassical geometry of integrable systems",
    J. Phys. A: Math. and Theor. 51, No. 16, 2018.

  • Alberto S. Cattaneo, Pavel Mnev, Nicolai Reshetikhin,
    "Poisson sigma model and semiclassical quantization of integrable systems",
    Reviews in Mathematical Physics 30, No. 06, (2018)

  • N. Reshetikhin,
    "Degenerate integrability of quantum spin Calogero-Moser systems",
    Letters in Mathematical Physics 107, 187 (2017).

  • N. Reshetikhin, J. Stokman and B. Vlaar,
    "Boundary Quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov Equations and Fusion",
    Annales Henri Poincare 17, 137 (2016).

  • N. Reshetikhin and B. Vertman,
    "Combinatorial Quantum Field Theory and Gluing Formula for Determinants",
    Letters in Mathematical Physics 105, 309 (2015).

  • A. S. Cattaneo, P. Mnev, and N. Reshetikhin,
    "Classical BV Theories on Manifolds with Boundary",
    Communications in Mathematical Physics 332, 535 (2014).

Selected publications

  • A. Okounkov and N. Reshetikhin,
    "Random skew plane partitions and the Pearcey process",
    Comm. Math. Phys. 269, 571 (2007).

  • D. Cimasoni and N. Reshetikhin
    "Dimers on surface graphs and spin structures",
    I. Comm. Math. Phys. 275, 187 (2007);
    II. Comm. Math. Phys. 281, 445 (2008).

  • I.B. Frenkel and N.Yu. Reshetikhin,
    "Quantum affine algebras and holonomic difference equations",
    Comm. Math. Phys. 146, 1 (1992).

  • N. Reshetikhin and V.G. Turaev,
    "Invariants of 3-manifolds via link polynomials and quantum groups",
    Invent. Math. 103, 547 (1991).

  • L.D. Faddeev and N.Yu. Reshetikhin,
    "Integrability of the principal chiral field model in 1+1 dimension",
    Ann. Physics 167, 227 (1986).