Тумаков Дмитрий Андреевич
Избранные публикации:
- D.A. Tumakov, D.A. Telnov, G. Plunien, V.A. Zaytsev, and V.M. Shabaev,
"Relativistic mask method for electron momentum distributions after ionization of hydrogen-like ions in strong laser field",
Eur. J. Phys. D 74, 188 (2020).
- D.A. Tumakov, D.A. Telnov, G. Plunien, and V.M. Shabaev,
"Photoelectron spectra after multiphoton ionization of Li atoms in the one-photon Rabi-flopping regime",
Phys. Rev. A 100, 023407 (2019).
- D.A. Tumakov, D.A. Telnov, I.A. Maltsev, G. Plunien, and V.M. Shabaev,
"Multiphoton ionization of many-electron atoms and highly-charged ions in intense laser fields: a relativistic time-dependent density functional theory approach",
Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res., Sect. B 408, 276 (2017).
- I.V. Ivanova, A.I. Bondarev, I.A. Maltsev, D.A. Tumakov, and V.M. Shabaev,
"Relativistic calculations of excitation and ionization probabilities in highly charged H-like ions exposed to intense laser fields",
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635, 092040 (2015).