Скрипников Леонид Владимирович
Избранные публикации в обратном хронологическом порядке 2007-2018 гг.
- L.V. Skripnikov "Approaching meV level for transition energies in the radium monofluoride molecule RaF and radium cation Ra+ by including quantum-electrodynamics effects", J. Chem. Phys. 154, 201101 (2021).
https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0053659 - S. D. Prosnyak, L. V. Skripnikov "Effect of nuclear magnetization distribution within the Woods-Saxon model: Hyperfine splitting in neutral Tl", Phys. Rev. C 103, 034314 (2021).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.103.034314 - M. Y. Kaygorodov, L. V. Skripnikov, I. I. Tupitsyn, E. Eliav, Y. S. Kozhedub, A. V. Malyshev, A. V. Oleynichenko, V. M. Shabaev, A. V. Titov, and A. V. Zaitsevskii "Electron affinity of oganesson", Phys. Rev. A 104, 012819 (2021).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.104.012819 - D.E. Maison, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Oleynichenko, A.V. Zaitsevskii "Axion-mediated electron–electron interaction in ytterbium monohydroxide molecule", J. Chem. Phys. 154, 224303 (2021).
https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0051590 - D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, V.N. Kutuzov, L. N. Labzowsky "P, T -odd Faraday rotation in intracavity absorption spectroscopy with a molecular beam as a possible way to improve the sensitivity of the search for time-reflection-noninvariant effects in nature", Phys. Rev. A 103, 042802 (2021).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.103.042802 - D.A. Maltsev, Yu.V. Lomachuk, V.M. Shakhova, N.S. Mosyagin, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov "Compound-tunable embedding potential method and its application to calcium niobate crystal CaNb2O6 with point defects containing tantalum and uranium", Phys. Rev. B 103, 205105 (2021).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.103.205105 - D.E. Maison, V.V. Flambaum, N.R. Hutzler, L.V. Skripnikov "Electronic structure of the ytterbium monohydroxide molecule to search for axionlike particles", Phys. Rev. A 103, 022813 (2021).
Квартиль: Q1 - S. Chekhovskoi, D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, L.N. Labzowsky "Photon-spin-dependent contribution to the P,T-odd Faraday rotation effect for atoms", J. Phys. B, 54, 055001 (2021).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6455/abe0a6 - L.V. Skripnikov "Nuclear magnetization distribution effect in molecules: Ra+ and RaF hyperfine structure" Featured article J. Chem. Phys. 153, 114114 (2020).
https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0024103 - D.E. Maison, L.V. Skripnikov, V.V. Flambaum, M. Grau "Search for CP-violating nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment using the LuOH+ cation", J. Chem. Phys. 153, 224302 (2020).
https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0028983 - A.N. Petrov, L.V. Skripnikov “Energy levels of radium monofluoride RaF in external electric and magnetic fields to search for P- and T, P-violation effects” Phys. Rev. A 102, 062801 (2020).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.102.062801 - L.V. Skripnikov, N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Titov, V.V. Flambaum "Actinide and lanthanide molecules to search for strong CP-violation" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22, 18374 (2020).
https://doi.org/10.1039/D0CP01989E - E.A. Bormotova, A.V.Stolyarov, L.V.Skripnikov, A.V.Titov "Ab initio study of R-dependent behavior of the hyperfine structure parameters for the states of LiRb and LiCs", Chem. Phys. Lett. 760, 137998 (2020).
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cplett.2020.137998 - Yu. V. Lomachuk, D.A. Maltsev, N.S. Mosyagin, L.V. Skripnikov, R.V. Bogdanov, A.V. Titov "Compound-tunable embedding potential: which oxidation state of uranium and thorium as point defects in xenotime is favorable?", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 17922-17931 (2020).
https://doi.org/10.1039/D0CP02277B - A.V. Oleynichenko, L.V. Skripnikov, A. Zaitsevskii, E. Eliav, V.M.Shabaev "Diagonal and off-diagonal hyperfine structure matrix elements in KCs within the relativistic Fock space coupled cluster theory", Chem. Phys. Lett. 756, 137825 (2020).
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cplett.2020.137825 - A.V. Oleynichenko, A. Zaitsevskii, L.V. Skripnikov, E. Eliav "Relativistic Fock Space Coupled Cluster Method for Many-Electron Systems: Non-Perturbative Account for Connected Triple Excitations", Symmetry 12(7), 1101 (2020).
https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12071101 - V. Fella, L.V. Skripnikov, W. Nörtershäuser, M.R. Buchner, H.L. Deubner, F. Kraus, A.F. Privalov, V.M. Shabaev, M. Vogel "Magnetic moment of 207Pb and the hyperfine splitting of 207Pb81+", Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 013368 (2020).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013368 - T. Fleig, L. V. Skripnikov “P,T-Violating and Magnetic Hyperfine Interactions in Atomic Thallium” Symmetry 12(4), 498 (2020).
https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12040498 - S. D. Prosnyak, D.E. Maison, L. V. Skripnikov “Hyperfine structure in thallium atom: Study of nuclear magnetization distribution effects” J. Chem. Phys. 152, 044301 (2020).
https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5141090 - D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, L.N. Labzowsky, G. Plunien "Nuclear Spin-Dependent Effects of Parity Nonconservation in Ortho-H2", Symmetry, 12, 141 (2020).
http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/sym12010141 - D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, L.N. Labzowsky “On the Search for the Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron: P.T-Odd Faraday Effect on a PbF Molecular Beam”, JETP Letters 110(6), 382–386 (2019).
https://doi.org/10.1134/S0021364019180036 - D. E. Maison, L. V. Skripnikov, V. V. Flambaum “Theoretical study of 173YbOH to search for the nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment”, Phys. Rev. A 100, 032514 (2019).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.100.032514 - D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, V.N. Kutuzov, S.D. Chekhovskoi, L.N. Labzowsky, "Optical Rotation Approach to Search for the Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron", Atoms 7, 56, doi:10.3390/atoms7020056 (2019).
https://doi.org/10.3390/atoms7020056 - A.V. Kudrin, A. Zaitsevskii, T.A. Isaev, D.E. Maison, L.V. Skripnikov, "Towards the Search for Thallium Nuclear Schiff Moment in Polyatomic Molecules: Molecular Properties of Thallium Monocyanide (TlCN)",
Atoms, 7(3), 62 (2019).
https://doi.org/10.3390/atoms7030062 (2019). - W. Nörtershäuser, J. Ullmann, L.V. Skripnikov, Z. Andelkovic, C. Brandau, A. Dax, W. Geithner, C. Geppert, C. Gorges, M. Hammen, V. Hannen, S. Kaufmann, K. König, F. Kraus, B. Kresse, Y.A. Litvinov, M. Lochmann, B. Maaß, J. Meisner, T. Murböck, A. F. Privalov, R. Sánchez, B. Scheibe, M. Schmidt, S. Schmidt, V.M. Shabaev, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, R.C. Thompson, C. Trageser, M. Vogel, J. Vollbrecht, A.V. Volotka, C. Weinheimer, "The hyperfine puzzle of strong-field bound-state QED", Hyperfine Interact, 240, 51 (2019).
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10751-019-1569-8 - D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, L.N. Labzowsky, V.N. Kutuzov, S.D. Chekhovskoi, "Evaluation of the P,T-odd Faraday effect in Xe and Hg atoms", Phys. Rev. A 99, 052515 (2019).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.99.052515 - A. N. Petrov, L.V. Skripnikov, “Interference between the E1 and M1 Amplitudes of the Transition from the H State to C of a ThO Molecule”, Opt. Spectrosc. 126, 331 (2019).
https://doi.org/10.1134/S0030400X19040192 - D.E. Maison, L.V. Skripnikov, D.A. Glazov, "Many-body study of the g factor in boronlike argon", Phys. Rev. A 99, 042506 (2019).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.99.042506 - L.V. Skripnikov, A. N. Petrov, A. V. Titov, V. V. Flambaum,
"HfF+ as a candidate to search for the nuclear weak quadrupole moment",
Phys. Rev. A 99, 012517 (2019).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.99.012517 - D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, L.N. Labzowsky, G. Plunien,
"Nuclear spin-independent effects of parity nonconservation in molecule of hydrogen",
J. Phys. B, 52(2), 025003 (2019)
- L. Skripnikov, S. Schmidt, J. Ullmann, C. Geppert, F. Kraus, B. Kresse, W. Nörtershäuser, A.F. Privalov, B. Scheibe, V.M. Shabaev, M. Vogel, A.V. Volotka,
"New nuclear magnetic moment of 209Bi: Resolving the bismuth hyperfine puzzle",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 093001 (2018)
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.093001 - S. Schmidt, J. Billowes, M.L. Bissell, K. Blaum, R.F. GarciaRuiz, H. Heylen, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, G. Neyens, W. Nörtershäuser, G. Plunien, S. Sailer, V.M. Shabaev, L.V. Skripnikov, I.I. Tupitsynh, A.V. Volotka, X.F. Yange,
"The nuclear magnetic moment of 208Bi and its relevance for a test of bound-state strong-field QED",
Phys. Lett. B 779, 324-330 (2018)
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2018.02.024 - A.N. Petrov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov, V.V. Flambaum,
"Evaluation of CP violation in HfF+",
Phys. Rev. A 98, 042502 (2018)
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.98.042502 - A.J. Geddes, L.V. Skripnikov, A. Borschevsky, J.C. Berengut, V.V. Flambaum, T.P. Rakitzis,
"Enhanced nuclear-spin-dependent parity-violation effects using the 199HgH molecule",
Phys. Rev. A 98, 022508 (2018)
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.98.0225082 - D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, L.N. Labzowsky,
"P,T-odd Faraday rotation in heavy neutral atoms",
Phys. Rev. A 97, 062512 (2018)
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.97.062512 - A. Oleynichenko, A. Zaitsevskii, S. Romanov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov,
“Global and local approaches to population analysis: Bonding patterns in superheavy element compounds”,
Chem. Phys. Lett, 695, 63-68 (2018)
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cplett.2018.01.058 - A.V. Zaitsevskii, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Kudrin, A.V. Oleinichenko, E. Eliav, A.V. Stolyarov,
“Electronic Transition Dipole Moments in Relativistic Coupled-Cluster Theory: the Finite-Field Method”,
Optics and spectroscopy 124(4), 451-456 (2018)
http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/S0030400X18040215 - L.V. Skripnikov,
"Communication: Theoretical study of HfF+ cation to search for the T,P-odd interactions",
J. Chem. Phys. 147, 021101 (2017)
http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4993622 - L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov, V.V. Flambaum,
"Enhanced effect of CP-violating nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment in a HfF+ molecule",
Phys. Rev. A 95, 022512 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.95.022512 - L.V. Skripnikov, D.E. Maison, N.S. Mosyagin,
"Scalar-pseudoscalar interaction in the francium atom", Phys. Rev. A 95, 022507 (2017)
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.95.022507 - A.N. Petrov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov,
"Zeeman interaction in 3?1 state of HfF+ to search for the electron electric-dipole-moment",
Phys. Rev. A, 96, 022508 (2017)
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.96.022508 - D.V. Chubukov, L.V. Skripnikov, O.Yu. Andreev, L.N. Labzowsky, G. Plunien,
"Effects of parity nonconservation in molecule of oxygen ",
J. Phys. B., 50, 105101 (2017)
https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6455/aa66c0 - L.V. Skripnikov,
"Combined 4-component and relativistic pseudopotential study of ThO for the electron electric dipole moment search",
J. Chem. Phys. 145, 214301 (2016).
- L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov,
"LCAO-based theoretical study of PbTiO3 crystal to search for parity and time reversal violating interaction in solids",
J. Chem. Phys. 145, 054115 (2016).
- A.V. Zaitsevskii, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov,
"Chemical bonding and effective atomic states of actinides in higher oxide molecules",
Mendeleev Communications 26, 307-308 (2016).
- N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Zaitsevskii, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov,
"Generalized relativistic effective core potentials for actinides",
Int. J. Quant. Chem. 116, 301-315 (2016).
- L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov,
"Theoretical study of ThF+ in the search for T,P-violation effects: Effective state of a Th atom in ThF+ and ThO compounds",
Phys. Rev. A 91, 042504 (2015).
- L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov,
"Theoretical study of thorium monoxide for the electron electric dipole moment search: Electronic properties of H3Δ1 in ThO",
J. Chem. Phys. 142, 024301 (2015).
- L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, A.V. Titov, R.J. Mawhorter, A.L. Baum, T.J. Sears, J.-U. Grabow,
"Further investigation of g factors for the lead monofluoride ground state",
Phys. Rev. A 92, 032508 (2015).
- L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Titov and V.V. Flambaum,
"TaN molecule as a candidate for the search for a T,P-violating nuclear magnetic quadrupole moment",
Phys. Rev. A 92, 012521 (2015).
- L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, A.V. Titov and V.V. Flambaum,
"CP-Violating Effect of the Th Nuclear Magnetic Quadrupole Moment: Accurate Many-Body Study of ThO",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 263006 (2014).
- L. V. Skripnikov, A. D. Kudashov, A. N. Petrov, and A. V. Titov,
"Search for parity- and time-and-parity-violation effects in lead monofluoride (PbF): Ab initio molecular study",
Phys. Rev. A 90, 064501 (2014).
- A. D. Kudashov, A. N. Petrov, L. V. Skripnikov, N. S. Mosyagin, T. A. Isaev, R. Berger, and A. V. Titov,
"Ab initio study of radium monofluoride (RaF) as a candidate to search for parity- and time-and-parity-violation effects",
Phys. Rev. A 90, 052513 (2014).
- A.V. Titov, Yu.V. Lomachuk, L.V. Skripnikov,
"Concept of effective states of atoms in compounds to describe properties determined by the densities of valence electrons in atomic cores",
Phys. Rev. A 90, 052522 (2014).
- A.N. Petrov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov, N.R. Hutzler, P.W. Hess, B.R. O'Leary, B. Spaun, D. DeMille, G. Gabrielse, and J.M. Doyle,
"Zeeman interaction in ThO H3Δ1 for the electron electric-dipole-moment search",
Phys. Rev. A 89, 062505 (2014).
- L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, A.V. Titov,
"Communication: Theoretical study of ThO for the electron electric dipole moment search",
J. Chem. Phys. 139, 221103 (2013).
- L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov,
"Theoretical study of the parity and time reversal violating interaction in solids",
e-print: http://arxiv.org/abs/1308.0163 (2013).
- A.N. Petrov, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov, R. J. Mawhorter,
"Centrifugal correction to hyperfine structure constants in the ground state of lead monofluoride, PbF",
Physical Review A 88, 010501(R) (2013).
- J. Lee, J. Chen, L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, A.V. Titov, N.S. Mosyagin, A.E. Leanhardt,
"Optical spectroscopy of tungsten carbide for uncertainty analysis in electron electric-dipole-moment search",
Physical Review A 87, 022516 (2013).
- A. Le, T.C. Steimle, L. Skripnikov, A.V. Titov,
"The molecular frame electric dipole moment and hyperfine interactions in hafnium fluoride, HfF",
Journal Chemical Physics 138, 124313 (2013).
- A.D. Kudashov, A.N. Petrov, L.V. Skripnikov, N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Titov,
"Calculation of P,T-odd interaction effect in 225RaO",
Physical Review A 87, 020102(R) (2013).
- L.V. Skripnikov, N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Titov,
"Relativistic coupled cluster calculations of spectroscopic and chemical properties for element 120",
Chemical Physics Letters 555, 79–83 (2013).
- K.C. Cossel, D.N. Gresh, L.C. Sinclair, T. Coffey, L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, N.S. Mosyagin, A.V. Titov, R.W. Field, E.R. Meyer, E.A. Cornell, J. Ye,
“Broadband velocity modulation spectroscopy of HfF+: Towards a measurement of the electron electric dipole moment”,
Chemical Physics Letters 546 (12), 1-11 (2012).
- L.V. Skripnikov, A.V.Titov , A.N. Petrov , N.S. Mosyagin, O.P. Sushkov,
“Towards the search of electron electric dipole moment: correlation calculations of the P,T-violation in the Eu2+ cation”,
Physical Review A 84, 022505 (2011).
- L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, A.V.Titov , N.S. Mosyagin,
"Electron electric dipole moment: Relativistic correlation calculations of the P,T-violation effect in the 3Δ3 state of PtH+",
Physical Review A 80, 060501(R) (2009).
- L.V. Skripnikov, A.N. Petrov, N.S. Mosyagin, V.F. Ezhov, A.V. Titov,
"Ab Initio Calculation of the Spectroscopic Properties of TlF-",
Optics and Spectroscopy 106(6), 790–792 (2009).
[Л.В. Скрипников, А.Н. Петров, Н.С. Мосягин, В.Ф. Ежов, А.В. Титов,
"Неэмпирический расчёт спектроскопических свойств TlF-",
Оптика и Спектроскопия 106(6), 876–878 (2009).]
- L.V. Skripnikov, N.S. Mosyagin, A.N. Petrov, A.V. Titov,
"On the Search for Time Variation in the Fine-Structure Constant: Ab Initio Calculation of HfF+",
JETP Letters 88(9) 578–581 (2008).
[Л.В. Скрипников, Н.С. Мосягин, А.Н. Петров, А.В. Титов,
"К поиску вариации постоянной тонкой структуры: неэмпирический расчет HfF+",
Письма в ЖЭТФ 88(9), 668-672 (2008).]
- O.V. Sizova, L.V. Skripnikov, A.Yu. Sokolov, V.V. Sizov,
"Atomic-Orbital-Symmetry Based σ-, π- and δ- decomposition analysis of bond orders",
Internation Journal of Quantum Chemistry 109(11) 2581-2590 (2009).
- O.V. Sizova, L.V. Skripnikov, A.Yu. Sokolov,
"Symmetry decomposition of quantum chemical bond orders",
Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem) 870, 1-9 (2008).
- O.V.Sizova, A.Yu. Sokolov, L.V. Skripnikov, V.I. Baranovski,
“Quantum chemical study of the bond orders in the ruthenium, diruthenium and dirhodium nitrosyl complexes”,
Polyhedron 26(16), 4680-4690 (2007).