Малышев Алексей Владимирович
Недавние доклады

  • The International Summer Conference on Theoretical Physics 2024,
    invited talk,
    "QED calculations of energy levels in highly charged ions"
    17-21 June, 2024, St. Petersburg, Russia.

  • 56-th Winter School of Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute NRC KI,
    invited talk,
    "Ab initio QED calculations of energy levels in highly charged ions"
    17-22 March, 2024, Luga, Leningrad region, Russia

  • Seminar Theoretical Quantum Dynamics at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics,
    invited talk,
    "Ab initio calculations of energy levels in Be-like ions: strong interplay between electron-correlation and QED effects"
    6 July, 2021, online (https://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/mpi/en/events)

  • 17th Topical SPARC Workshop,
    "Ab Initio Calculations of the Ground and Singly Excited Energy Levels in Xe50+",
    14-16 September 2020, online ( http://indico.gsi.de/e/SPARC_2020 Access key: SPARC_2020)

  • 16th Topical SPARC Workshop,
    "QED calculation of the transition energies in high-Z heliumlike ions",
    9-13 September 2019, Jena, Germany (http://indico.gsi.de/e/SPARC_2019 Access key: SPARC_2019)

  • 19th international Conference "Physics of Highly Charged Ions (HCI2019)", (http://hci2018.pt/)
    invited talk,
    "QED calculations of the binding and transition energies in highly charged ions",
    3-7 September, 2018, Lisbon, Portugal.

  • The International Conference on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems (PSAS2018), (https://psas2018.at/)
    invited talk,
    "Nuclear recoil effect on the g factor of lithiumlike ions",
    14-18 May, 2018, Vienna, Austria.

  • 12th International Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry And Physics (REHE-2017),
    "High-precision QED calculations of the ground-state energies of boronlike ions",
    12-6 September, 2017, Marburg, Germany.

  • 12th International Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry And Physics (REHE-2017),
    "High-precision QED calculations of the ground-state energies of boronlike ions",
    12-6 September, 2017, Marburg, Germany.

  • International Conference on Precision Physics and Fundamental Physical Constants (FFK-2017), (http://ffk2017.fuw.edu.pl/)
    "Ab initio calculations of the energies of B-like ions",
    15-19 May, 2017, Warsaw, Poland.

  • The 6th International Seminar on Physics at EBITs and Advanced Research Light Sources (PEARL2016),
    приглашенный доклад,
    "QED calculation of the energies of Be- and B-like ions",
    10-13 июня 2016, Шанхай, Китай.

  • 13th Topical SPARC Workshop,
    приглашенный доклад,
    "QED calculations of the binding energies in highly charged ions",
    16-20 сентября 2016, Краков, Польша.

  • Current Trends and Future Directions in Relativistic Many Electron Theories (RMET2016),
    приглашенный доклад,
    "Quantum electrodynamics of heavy ions and atoms",
    26-28 сентября, Токио, Япония.

  • 18th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions (HCI2016),
    постерный доклад,
    "QED calculations of the ionization energies of Boronlike ions",
    11-16 сентября 2016, Кельце, Польша.

  • 12th Topical Workshop of the Stored Particles Atomic Physics Research Collaboration,
    постерный доклад,
    "Ionization energies along beryllium isoelectronic sequence",
    22-27 сентября 2015, Крит, Греция.

  • The interplay between atomic and nuclear physics to study exotic nuclei,
    устный доклад,
    "QED calculation of the ground-state energy and the ionization potential of Be-like ions",
    24-27 августа 2015, Тренто, Италия.

  • Workshop on Precision Physics and Fundamental Physical Constants (2014),
    устный доклад,
    "QED calculation of the ground-state energy of Be-like ions",
    1-5 декабря 2014, Дубна, Россия.

  • Семинар "Вклад молодых ученых России в проект ФАИР",
    устный доклад,
    "High-precision QED calculations of the energies of boronlike and berylliumlike ions",
    18-19 ноября 2014, Москва, Россия.

  • 11th Topical Workshop of the Stored Particles Atomic Physics Research Collaboration,
    устный доклад,
    "QED calculations of the binding energies in highly charged Be-like ions",
    16-17 October, 2014, Worms, Germany.

  • International Conference on Science and Technology for FAIR in Europe 2014,
    poster presentation,
    "Calculation of the binding energies of berylliumlike ions",
    13-17 October, 2014, Worms, Germany.

  • 11th International Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry And Physics (REHE-2014),
    poster presentation,
    "Calculation of the binding energies of berylliumlike ions",
    20-24 September, 2014, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia.