2009, the spring semester

Division seminar
1 June 2009

Defences of Bachelor's theses

Division seminar
22 May 2009

Defences of yearly projects by 3-year students

Division seminar
24 April 2009

Speaker: A.A. Bondarevskaya

(SPbSU, Department of Physics)
Talk: "Highly charged ion beam polarization and its application to the search for the parity nonconservation effects in ions"

Division seminar
17 April 2009

Speaker: A.Yu. Roigas

(SPbSU, Department of Physics)
Talk: "QED corrections in superheavy atoms in the local-potential approximation and the self-consistency procedure"

Division seminar
10 April 2009

Speaker: A.V. Titov

Talk: "Chemistry of super heavy elements eka-mercury (112) and eka-lead (114): theoretical and experimental investigations"

Division seminar
3 April 2009

Speaker: O.Yu. Andreev

(SPbSU, Department of Physics)
Talk: "Calculation of interelectron interaction corrections to electron recombination in highly charged ions"

Division seminar
20 March 2009

Speaker: E.Yu. Korzinin

Talk: "High-order vacuum polarization corrections in muonic hydrogen and light muonic atoms"
(PhD theses)

Division seminar
6 March 2009

Speaker: M.A. Voznesensky

Talk: "Simulation of quantum systems by extended ensamble Monte-Carlo method"

Division seminar
27 February 2009

Speaker: O.Yu. Andreev

(SPbSU, Department of Physics)
Talk: "Calculation of interelectron interaction corrections to transition probabilities and electron recombination in highly charged ions"